Manual Tracker for Tournaments

Hi Guys,

I have created a manual tracker which you can use to see how many matches as well as win percentage against various team. Requires python to run.

You just need to enter manually if you have won or lost after each match. You also need to change names of the team as per your requirement in below files ( I will attach a zip )

1. Record.txt
2. History.txt

You can also specify if any match was part of any speific tournament ( like world cup ). Those matches it will track in overall wins as well as seperately.


WP:Win Percentage
PWC Played in World Cup
WWC: Win in World Cup
WPWC: WinPercentage in World Cup

History shows how many matches you have won or lost in past. 0 for loss, 1 for win. It also creates a log file so if you mess up, you can always see what was the record before.


1. Python 2.7 on Windows. Python can be downloaded from here : ( Use Windows x86-64 MSI installer if not familar with python )
2. Most probably run on linux as well.

Screenshot of Usage:
